To access your free whitepapers, click the link appearing in the menu below. The papers cover various subjects of interest to today's management.


More Effective Recruitment
Presentation to the Human Rights Commission
Age-Gender Discrimination at Work
Mapping Manager's Stereotypes

Access to these papers requires the user to join our Google Group.


About Us

Workplace Images provides clients with the latest tools to help them establish new busiiness strategies and gain longer term competitive advantage.

We work with clients in:

  • Shaping organisational values and beliefs

  • Aligning corporate and workforce values and beliefs

  • Designing jobs which reflect business values

  • Building adaption and resilience into the workforce

  • Strengthening supplier/customer/client communications

The consultants at Workplace Images are experienced in building adaptive and resilient workplaces. They hold post graduate qualifications and relevant professional association memberships.